What is Women In Networking?
Start Your Month with a WIN!
The mission of WIN is to provide opportunities for women to network, form new business relationships and friendships, share ideas, and support one another. WIN Breakfasts* are held monthly and are hosted by a woman-owned or managed business.
These are open to both Frankfort Area Chamber Members and guests in our surrounding area!
Our WIN is held the first Thursday of every month and we have a different non-profit and sponsor each of these events.
We usually have around 60-80 women attend each month.
We also provide an advertising table at each of our events for all businesses to place their flyers/ business cards to network and support other women in the community.
(It is each organization's job to regather materials after the event to bring to the next event)
Email Caitlin@frankfortky.info for more information on sponsorship opportunities and how to get involved!